Epic Arena App Reviews

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If you like hero academy u will love this

Im a huge fan of hero academy and this game while similar is a ton of fun in its own right. I really hope lots of ppl download this game so there is a solid community of people playing

Total ripoff of hero academy

Even characters were ripped off. Get hero academy and listen to the sounds... Theyre the same. How is this developer not being sued?

Excellent Strategy Gaming

This is a polished game that has earned its 5-star rating. With puzzle elements, RTS gameplay, and excellent technical execution, this game will entertain you for days on end.

I loved it... At first.

At first this game seemed amazing. Very enjoyable. I then realized that the game eventually DEMANDS a perfect combination to win. For instance, you can be beaten by having a base "artifact" destroyed, or by having your team killed. Unless you defeat all of your enemies on the first turn, the computer will always win. It will destroy your base guaranteed. I attempted about 25 different combinations of my first five moves (you get five moves then the enemy gets five, so on) and was not able to find the ONE needed. It takes a lot of the enjoyment out of it. I am disappointed that this strategy game turned into a game of guessing.

Agreed, Hero Academy ripoff...

Game mechanics are identical to hero academy. Wrapping up someone elses game in 3D graphics seems a little shallow. I didnt play past the tutorial because Ive already played this game and it had more heart in H.A. Its a shame that game is no longer getting updated... Maybe this one will go further than hero academy but for now... Meh


Very fun I thought that it would be boring but it was fun.

Hero Academy 2?

It sure seems a whole lot like Hero Academy, I smell a law suit. :-)

pretty good

its aaaight.


Id be nice to know how to get tree stars

Mediocre Hero Academy Clone

Its a direct clone of Hero Academy, only with fewer factions and less charm. I dont see why I would play this instead.


Up Could the developers who worked on Hero Academy be any more obvious in trolling the reviews? Stop pretending this is like Hero Academy. Its not. Its better. Way. Better. Fun fact: all tactics games tend to resemble each other. Hero Academy resembles, oh, a crap version of Kings Bounty, a crap version of Wesnoth, a crap version of crappy Aerena. You get the picture. And if you smell a lawsuit, it is probably because you have not put on deodorant. Stop trolling.

Cool but.....

Its cool but you should weaken the enemy a little make it easier

Needs work

First, I am not a Hero Academy dev. So when I say this is inferior, know that I have no ulterior motive. This game is VERY similar (same units, same HP, same attack strengths, etc). However, it was when I won a game on time but my opponent was forever labeled as "thinking" that I knew this was a lesser effort. Apparently timing out was enough to freeze my game. There are aspects I thought were better than HA. The graphics and animation are crisp and smooth and I like the idea of timed, immediate games. But if they dont work, it defeats the purpose. High potential here but its not there yet.

Great fun

Really a fun and engaging game. Good strategy and easy to pick up. What the f do you have to do to get three stars on the solo missions though?!?


Nice game but it lacks freedom... A skirmish mode would make the game excellent.

Similar to Hero Academy

First off, from a game design perspective this is almost exactly like Hero Academy except for the fact its using a 3D engine and a hex board (rather than square tiles). This game even has the same 5 turn mechanic, similar spells and unit abilities, and exact same absolute stats balancing as Hero Academy. Hero Academy has more factions and personally the 2D sprites in HA are far more readable than the 3D assets here. However, Travian did a good job with adding new quest features and AI to SP. That said, the variety and max number of faction card combinations are rather finite so the top-level competitive meta will also be predictable.

Ok, Hero Academy copy

I havent played it much yet but I had to respond to the person that said its not like hero academy. Its exactly like hero academy!!!

Game crashing?

For some reason it will opponents turn or what ever but when turn switches the game crashes and just goes to my home screen.. Ive restarted phone and everything. So i dont know whats happening... Otherwise love it. Just wish i could actually play it.

Things I gotta say

First off this game is good, its not for everyone but if you like strategy games or board games give it a swing. As for all the idiots saying "hero academy copy" and such, its not a copy. The 2 games are very similar yes but the game isnt copied, that like saying any game with the m16 rifle is copying call of duty or anything that has elves and dragons is copying dungeons and dragons. While the 2 games are very similar though the major differences are the hex based board and the size of the board, you also get some special cards that you can customize that are basically turn the tables cards. The single player missions are hard but not impossible to beat with 3 stars(win on first turn). Ive personally am stumped on a mission for the killing grounds on the chaos missions. If anyone happens to read my review of this game, thank you I hope you enjoy the game and if you find a place with 3 star walkthrough guides please post the link in your review Im eager to see.

Not exactly perfect

Ive been playing for a while and in general its been fun. Its creative, challenging, and rewarding. However I decided to stop playing today for a few one reason: power cards. Theyre game breaking moves that are rare to get without paying for them. For me, anything that gives you an advantage through payment is cheating. Also: -Im pretty sure that finishing the campaigns 100% is imposible. -Only 2 decks. -Buying the other deck is also incredibly hard to do without cash.

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