First off this game is good, its not for everyone but if you like strategy games or board games give it a swing.
As for all the idiots saying "hero academy copy" and such, its not a copy. The 2 games are very similar yes but the game isnt copied, that like saying any game with the m16 rifle is copying call of duty or anything that has elves and dragons is copying dungeons and dragons. While the 2 games are very similar though the major differences are the hex based board and the size of the board, you also get some special cards that you can customize that are basically turn the tables cards.
The single player missions are hard but not impossible to beat with 3 stars(win on first turn). Ive personally am stumped on a mission for the killing grounds on the chaos missions.
If anyone happens to read my review of this game, thank you I hope you enjoy the game and if you find a place with 3 star walkthrough guides please post the link in your review Im eager to see.
wENNER WINNER about Epic Arena